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Mukta Vati explained

Updated on December 9, 2011

Around this herbal remedy was quite a fuss for some time. Primary because it is Ayurveda herbal remedy and present day medicine is not on very good terms with eastern medicine.

It is advertised as a miracle blood pressure cure.

I am not trying to tell if you are to drink that herbal remedy for what it claims it does. I am only trying to explain what does it have inside.

You will decide for yourself if you need it.

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) | Source

Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola) is one small shrub with very strong aroma. It does have

  • strong tonic abilities on CNS,
  • accelerates blood flow to peripheral circulatory system
  • Natural antibiotic.
  • Calms nerves

Those tonic abilities are proven. Other (from Ayurveda folklore) abilities claimed that Gotu Kola prolonged the Tai-chi master Li-Ching Yuen life to above 190 years. Whether this is true or not ... we don't know.

Frankly, I don't know why a tonic and a CNS stimulant will be beneficial for a high blood pressure. But still - black tea tend to help in hypertension too. In small doses.

Convolvulus (Bindweed)
Convolvulus (Bindweed) | Source

Convolvulus Pluricaulis (Bindweed):

Fact 1: No wikipedia article about this.

Fact 2: Ayurveda uses only.

Fact 3: Invasive weed.

Claims: Calms the nerves. Nerve tonic. Anti anxiety. Removes stress.

I have no idea what this herb really does. Cannot find a respectable source in the Internet that has made investigation on it. Nothing is written in my archive too. The plant is native only to India. So I suppose this will be "unknown" ingredient 1.

Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna)
Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) | Source

Terminalia Arjuna bark (Arjun tree):

Mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties are observed in trial over mice. But this trial is done with an oil extract from the leaves of the Arjun tree. They are harmless, some moth species larvae are eating them and produce fine silk.

What exactly does the bark of this tree do?

I don't know.

But still - Birch tree bark is mild diuretic. While birch leaves are green and bitter (and useless).

So if Arjun tree bark does have the properties of it leaves - this herbal ingredient will remove pain and clean the body from inflammatory processes. And this can be beneficial for hypertension. (inflammation often retains body fluids).

Onosma Bracteatum (Sedge): The herb claims to be used as

  • tonic
  • diuretic and
  • spasmolytic.

Good for Hypertension? Yes! Can we confirm the claims? No!

This will be "unknown ingredient 2"

Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi):

It is tested to help in hay fever. Turns also to be a good hepatoprotector.

Not exactly good for hypertension, but when having that many herbs in one capsule - I think it is good to have hepatoprotector.

After all, those herbs need to be matabolised and excreted. Liver protection is good.

Indian Ginseng (Withania somnifera)
Indian Ginseng (Withania somnifera) | Source

Root from Withania Somnifera (Indian ginseng):

Another tonic. This one quite stronger than the first two.

It stimulates the Thyroid gland and claims to also help against tumors.

Good for high blood pressure? Hell no!

High levels of Thyroxine are not good for blood pressure. Maybe the tonic properties of this herb are not that strong, and in small doses It will be beneficial.

Seeds from Celastrus Paniculatus (Black oil plant): This in short is "unknown ingredient 3". Native in India only. Don't have records of this plant at all.

And the root from Inula Racemosus is "unknown ingredient 4".

So ...

Should you try this tonic? By all means! It will give you energy and will remove pain and anxiety. But use it as a tonic. Not as a BP medicine.

Will it help you to normalize blood pressure? According to testimonials - yes. After one year of use.

But if you ask me - having more energy will simply make you move more and embrace your life to the fullest. And this is good.


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